Author: L. I. Anatychuk
Year: 2005
Publisher: “Bukrek”
Language: English
ISBN 966-7318-02-8
348 pages
This is volume II of the four-volume book “Thermoelectricity”. The author is Lukyan Ivanovych Anatychuk.
The book consecutively presents power converters whose operating principle is based on the use of thermoelectric effects; the properties of the main part of converters – thermoelements, producing power conversion are described; a detailed classification of the basic thermoelement types is presented; the basic relations are given for the description of thermoelements in various model approximations and for different operating conditions – electric current generation, cooling and heating. The combination of thermoelements forms the element basis as a means of choice and practical application of thermoelectricity.
The book is a manual for research fellows and engineers designing thermoelectric equipment; students specialized in thermoelectricity; specialists of allied fields of science and technology using thermoelectricity.
The book is comprised of 3 chapters: “Classification of thermoelements”, “Relations for the description of thermoelements under EMF and electrical current generation”, “Relations for the description of thermoelements under thermoelectric and galvanomagnetic cooling and heating”.
The main objective of this book is systematization of information on thermoelements.
The book deals with a series of thermoelements that presently form the element basis of thermoelectricity. Among the described thermoelements (they are fifty) there are well known ones that have found wide application; there are elements of rather restricted application; there are also such that only demonstrate the possibility of realization of physical ideas or effects for creation of thermoelectric power converters.
The greatest attention in the book is paid to thermocouple thermoelements. Their physical models are rather detailed, considered in all operating conditions, analytical expressions for their descriptions are given, and for the cases when they cannot be obtained the respective computer calculation programs have been elaborated.
The book includes the latest programs of computer design of thermoelectric power converters assuring the necessary precision of calculations and design. Of particular interest are thermoelectric power converters of functionally-graded materials, the use of which is one of promising lines in thermoelectricity.
Based on the generalized theory of thermoelectric power conversion, the author elaborated the method of devising new thermoelement types determined not heuristically, but as a result of computer research.
Information stated in this book not only allows using the existing thermoelement types, but also is the basis for discovery of their new variants, thus extending the element basis of thermoelectricity and, respectively, the possibilities of practical applications of thermoelectricity.
The author focuses attention on the relevant, but yet unsolved problems, therefore, the readers will readily find in the book interesting subjects for preparation and defense of dissertations.
For more than 25 years the author of this book has productively worked for creation of new thermoelement types, has presented vast material on this subject and is pleased to share new information with the reader. The work in this direction has lead the author to creation of a generalized thermoelement model, from which, as particular cases, may flow the existing thermoelement types. The main ideas of generalized theory are stated in the first volume of the book “Thermoelectricity”. Therefore, before reading the second volume of this book it is helpful to get acquainted with the first volume. Developers of thermoelectric products, prior to designing of specific thermoelectric devices, will find this book helpful in order to answer the question: what type of thermoelement is most suitable for creation of required thermoelectric product?